Animation Planning Blog

My Animation Project is based on a voice clip from Thor Ragnarok where Loki is annoyed at another character. I will be animating this clip in 3D Max I have already modeled the character which is an anthropomorphic wolf. The animation will also have a joke at the end similar to the original context of the voice line, the joke will be showing a derpy wolf-dog who’s hunted a stick instead of food.


Shot 1

I have filmed some reference of myself acting out the movement for this particular shot of the animation. I didn’t have any lip sync reference within this clip as I will be referencing the original clip from the movie to get the lip sync correct.

Animation Reference

Lip Sync Reference

Shot 2

For the second shot, it’s just a basic over the shoulder shot so I found no need for using a reference. However, I’ll still be using regular filming techniques and framing to keep everything coherent and visible to the audience.

Thumbnails & Previs




How to Draw Storyboards. (2018). Retrieved from

Waititi, T. (2017). Thor: Ragnarok [Film]. Australia: Marvel.


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