Specialisation Post-Mortem

Final: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18DIxAOeE06X-1J3BRp5vzACjWJF90Nml What went well: Well what went well was that I made many different designs and had fun with it and it expanded my skill set to slightly more animal inspired characters. The fact that since I made 10 characters and since I don't have any use for them I put them up for … Continue reading Specialisation Post-Mortem

Specialisation Research Report

I learned basic character design and some animal anatomy. From the resources that I’ve used I have started to learn how to design character more effectively. I also learned how to implement animal anatomy into my monster girl designs. Along with that I have been looking at using limited colour palettes to give myself a … Continue reading Specialisation Research Report

Cross Discipline Post-Mortem

Commission: Sprites for game: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U3jelsgcd_yUmfg5RSHcX_bAurlmPPel Koi Texture: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11fEijCSKRLRIYF-3JOyra2MNOH4mjKju Communication: Regarding the commission the client and I communicated over discord as well as over twitch as I was streaming the process so then my client could get a better view of what I was doing. For the game I was part of the entire group communicated … Continue reading Cross Discipline Post-Mortem