Cross Discipline – Post Mortem

Final Deliverables:

Game Download Link (Windows):

Character Design:

kas character revise

Game Assets I contributed:

How I communicated with the other disciplines?

To communicate with the games students we all used Discord as a way to let each other know whats happening and to have meetings when we weren’t in class. To communicate with the design student, who is a friend of mine, I designed the character for we communicated through Facebook messenger.

For the game, we tracked tasks by using source tree however for some reason it didn’t work out quite well for me so I would just message the game students through the discord server we created to tell them my progress.

For the character design, I sent a couple of different sketches for the final drawing as the design was practically finalized since it was the player character from an MMO RPG. All I had to do was to simplify the design.

Original Character Reference:


What I did was change the body type slightly and simplifying the clothing design. But I did to main sketches.

Both my client and I preferred the first sketch as it fully shows the character’s outfit. So I finalized the drawing.

kas character revise

What went well in the project, and why?

What went well for the game project was the idea and some freedom for each of our parts. For example, the group all agreed to have all of the animation students to create a world type of 10 levels each. I decided to do a forest type area based on the season of autumn. I felt that this idea went well as it gave all of us a chance to use our own ideas while also helping each other out with the assets of each world.

What went well for the design project was the fact that I had a basis for the character design and all I really had to do was simplify the design.

What didn’t go well, and why?

For me regarding the game project was trying to get source tree to work but I also didn’t know how to use it. Despite asking many game students I knew to help me out with it but it still wouldn’t work and being a bit worried about accidentally messing something up and ruining the game.

For the design project, it kinda did feel like I was doing a commission piece or a drawing request as I did ask my friend late in the trimester if they wanted me to design a character for them and so there wasn’t much time to fully design a new character.

What would I do differently next time?

I would plan ahead and ask anyone I know inside or outside of the university if I could help out with something to count as a cross-discipline project and/or as someone to help contribute to one of my projects.

What did I learn about other discipline’s workflows?

For the games students, I already had a basic idea of how the workflow was for a game but not how they do a full workflow of a game for a client. The workflow is similar to a game for a client and a first party game. But there is a bit less freedom for a game created for a client as the client has an idea of what they want and they don’t want it to be extremely changed.

For the design, I was just drawing a friend’s original character in a similar process of how I do my commission pieces. Which is ask the client what they would like in the drawing and then do a couple of basic sketches for slightly different poses. I then show the sketches to the client and let them decide which one they want for the final product and what changes they want to be made to the pose. I then line and colour the drawing and send them the flat colour version to show them the progress and ask for any last minute changes. I then finish the drawing and give the client their final product.

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