Media Use and Technology…

For a long time I’ve listened to music and that’s one of the things I consider important. The other two things I find important are my video games and slightly recently my art. The video games in question are The Legend Of Zelda and Pokemon.

Now Zelda has been an influential game since it first came out in 1986 and so was Pokemon as both games have managed to transcend generations of gamers. Well music has been influential since its creation and art as well. But those three things are important to me as they shaped me to be the person I am today. Music can carry many messages depending on the song and art is the same as it depends on what each different artist has to say. But for me the messages in Zelda and Pokemon are what really sparked a creative side in me.

All these three things have managed to inspire me to create things like animations and some fanart…

Music has inspired me to mainly create storyboards for possible animations. Like the song Defying Gravity from the Broadway musical Wicked has inspired me to do a polished storyboard sequence….line-7-pt-3line-7-pt-4line-8-pt-3line-8-pt-4

And that’s more of an insight to who I am….

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